Сегодня на современном рынке предлагается масса разнообразных котлов заграничных и отечественных производителей. Как же сделать правильный выбор и не ошибиться? Не просчитаться со стоимостью отопительного котла…
Отопление водоснабжение котельная:
- Чугунные радиаторы отопления Konner
- Модельный ряд серии GLOBAL STYLE PLUS 350
- Онлайн-калькулятор для расчета количества рулонов обоев
- Как правильно клеть обои для стен. Всё о поклейке жидких, виниловых и флизелиновых обоев
- Какой фундамент строить для теплицы из поликарбоната?
Largely on the cost of heating affects the complexity of installation. Regardless, installation should only be performed by professionals because it is primarily associated with the…
Отопление водоснабжение котельная:
- Principal schemes of water movement
- Modern radiators for rooms
- One of the modern methods of heating
- Electricity as fuel for boiler
- Autonomous gas heating
Currently, there are a wide range of pipelines. They are made from different materials. All heating systems were applied on steel or cast iron pipe. Currently…
Отопление водоснабжение котельная:
- Principal schemes of water movement
- One of the modern methods of heating
- Electricity as fuel for boiler
- Autonomous gas heating
- The calculation of the required boiler power
Battery for any heating system are an integral part of it. Not so long ago, almost all buildings used cast iron radiators. Today things have changed,…
Отопление водоснабжение котельная:
- Principal schemes of water movement
- One-pipe circuit heating
- Two-pipe circuit heating
- Collector the heating circuit
- Popular types of heating systems private homes
During the device warm floor pipes are in screed, but they can also be placed in the wall under the top layer of finishing material. In…
Отопление водоснабжение котельная:
- Principal schemes of water movement
- One-pipe circuit heating
- Two-pipe circuit heating
- Collector the heating circuit
- Popular types of heating systems private homes
If in a particular district or even on a particular street there is no gas supply in this situation, many private home owners have to decide…
Отопление водоснабжение котельная:
- Principal schemes of water movement
- One-pipe circuit heating
- Two-pipe circuit heating
- Collector the heating circuit
- Popular types of heating systems private homes
Of course, this type of heating is today the most reliable and convenient option. In addition, gas is an economical energy source, and this factor is…
Отопление водоснабжение котельная:
- Principal schemes of water movement
- One-pipe circuit heating
- Two-pipe circuit heating
- Collector the heating circuit
- Popular types of heating systems private homes
Today the market offers a variety of heat sources. In some situations, perfectly suited wall-hung boiler, in other cases you will need to install the outdoor…
Отопление водоснабжение котельная:
- Principal schemes of water movement
- One-pipe circuit heating
- Two-pipe circuit heating
- Collector the heating circuit
- Popular types of heating systems private homes
In such a system each radiator is supplied as a separate supply and return piping. The boiler they are grouped with the help of collectors. Due…
Отопление водоснабжение котельная:
- Principal schemes of water movement
- One-pipe circuit heating
- Two-pipe circuit heating
The main characteristic of this system is the presence of supply and return piping. If the object is created with a dual-pipe scheme of heating, the…
Отопление водоснабжение котельная:
- Principal schemes of water movement
- One-pipe circuit heating
In such systems, there is only one pipeline. It connects the boilers for heating and radiators in rooms that are consistently concerning it. At the same…
Отопление водоснабжение котельная:
- Principal schemes of water movement
Currently, different objects apply the natural and forced circuit for the device of the heating system. The types differ according to the method of circulation of…